Getting To Fort Kent
From Southern New England (through Bangor), take I-95 north to the Smyrna/Oakfield exit #286 (formerly #60), then take Route 212 west to Route 11 (12 miles). Then take Route 11 north to Fort Kent (82 miles). Alternatively, you may take I-95 north to Houlton, then U.S. Route 1 to Presque Isle and Caribou, then Route 161 to Fort Kent.
From Quebec City, take the trans-Canada east to Ste. Alexandre, Quebec (180 miles), then south to the border town of Clair, N.B. and across the bridge through customs to Fort Kent, Maine. From Fredericton, N.B., take the trans-Canada west to Edmundston, N.B. Cross the border to Madawaska, Maine. Then take U.S. Route 1 north to Fort Kent (19 miles).
All routes are well marked with signs and mileage. There's no way to get lost!
Northern Maine Regional Airport in Presque Isle is served by the commercial carrier United Airlines (1-800-864-8331). Rental cars are available at the airport, and Fort Kent is about 60 miles from Presque Isle.
Also, New England Air Transport offers scheduled flights and charter service between Portland, Maine and Frenchville, Maine. Frenchville is only 12 miles from Fort Kent. Contact New England Air Transport at 207-543-6300 or 207-436-1379 (cell) or by e-mail at
Where To Stay
The Greater Fort Kent Chamber of Commerce website maintains a current list of places to stay in the area.
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